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Sam's laptop

Sam Winchester: Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop В основном, здесь хранится нужная информация: записи для работы, добытые данные и электронные переписки. Небольшие, конечно же, проще общаться посредством смс. Все личные записи надежно заархивированы и запоролены.

Ответов - 5

Sam Winchester: powers and abilities: Lilith harbors immense power and rank in the demonic world. Lilith proceeds to cause an explosion with the flick of a wrist. Similar to other demons, Lilith possesses the power to wield telekinesis as well as superhuman strength, most likely at higher levels than that of a regular demon. Although granted an abundance of power, Lilith is still forced to possess human hosts in order to carry out her actions. However, she is powerful enough to expel other demons from hosts, as she does with Ruby in order to use the host to trick me and Dean… Unlike most other demons, Lilith's demonic eye color is white instead of black, similar to Azazel's yellow eyes. I need to find out more... Blah-blah...

Sam Winchester: Dean, If you can read this make me a sandwich. And don't touch my stuff anymore!!

Sam Winchester: *password protect folder the 31st of may. Why am I w/.'vriting this right nvow?! I don’t know… I'm drwunk and I'm fellleling down….vkvkvkwvwkvwi8wy7yf7euewufuef damn keyboard just wake me urp and telll that you’re alive wakrkre me iip...o./'\/'/..;' damtnm laptop................................................................................. pleasem, cpme back................................................... bro...

Sam Winchester: Aнгел — «вестник, посланец» — духовное разумное бесполое и бесплотное существо, выражающее волю каких то высших сил или Бога и обладающее сверхчеловеческими и сверхъестественными возможностями. Архангел — в христианских представлениях старший ангел. Люцифер — «светоносный» — одно из имён Дьявола в позднем христианстве.

Sam Winchester: [pre2]Castiel [/pre2]- 22 November 2008 (Date is related to the angel) The Angel of: Thursday, New Changes, Travel Description: Castiel is an Angel of Thursday and will help anyone born on this day or anyone who asks for help on this day. The Angel can help us if there are changes in our life which may involve a lot of travelling or moving to a new country and we need guidance. Colours: Pastel Green. Season: Autumn Month: November Day: Thursday Keywords: Beginnings, Passion, Understanding. Gemstones: Topaz Symbol: The Archer Tarot: Temperance [pre2]Zachariah[/pre2]Real Name: Zachariah Occupation: Archangel HISTORY: Zachariah is an Archangel who is Castiel's superior. ...

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